
Benefits of Traditional Media - Broadcast Television

Written by Drew Conklin | Tue, Aug 2, 2016 @ 20:08 PM

We are begining a series of blogs about the Benefits of Traditional Media Channels to provide insight into why these should still be considered as part of your overall media strategy.

Today we will be discussing the benefits of Broadcast Television. We will save Cable Television for another blog; while they are sometimes grouped together as Television, they both have unique, seperate benefits that need to be discussed.

So why Broadcast Television? Isn't it old? What about people watching shows on their laptops or smartphones? What about all the cordcutters?

All are valid concerns, and while these will continue to grow, they will ultimately level out, much like Cable Television did after it was first launching. People thought that was the end of Broadcast Television, but at the end of the day, they all work together to provide viewers with more options to get the content they want.

So with all the new ways for people to consume media, what are the benefits of Broadcast Television and why should it be considered when developing a media plan? 

  • Large Audience/Reach - Since 2010, the Super Bowl has delivered over 110 Millions viewers, where else can you reach that many people with just one single :30 second commercial? Yes, the Big Game is regularly the most watched Broadcast event every year, but did you know that the 8th most watched Broadcast TV show was the series finale of M*A*S*H? 105.9MM viewers tuned in and lets not forget the 84.4MM that watched the Cheers finale. No other medium can reach so many people at one time like Broadcast Television can.
  • Targeted Audience - Are you a business that sells women clothing and want to reach women 25-49 years old? There are shows that rank highest against that market and you can look to place your commercial within them to help grow your business. Shows like Scandal, Grey's Anatomy and The Big Bang Theory consistent score strong numbers against this demographic. So whoever you are wanting to reach, there are shows available to reach them.
  • Local Programming and Advertising Opportunities - Many advertisers get hung up with the idea that commercials they see during primetime or during morning National news shows are meant for the big advertisers like Coca-Cola or Ford. The simple fact is that local stations are given an allotment of commercial time within all of these shows that they can sell to local advertisers. Your business is in Louisville, KY and you want a spot in the Super Bowl - well you can place one there and you won't be paying $5MM for it. 
  • Sight, Sound, Motion and Emotion - While digital advertising offers :15 to :30 second commercial opportunities, this is what Television is and always has been. Nothing can deliver your message as strongly as a :30 second commercial. I think we have all seen commercials that make us cry and ones that make laugh, you can't get that from a banner ad or a radio commercial. Broadcast Television advertising offers you the opportunity to deliver your message through sight, sound, motion and emotion. 
  • Local News - While nothing will ever be 100% DVR proof, Local News- be that AM News, Noon News, 6p News or 11pm- is the closet thing to being DVR proof. Local news is the bread and butter for local stations and news is "appointment television". People rarely DVR the news and watch it later, because once news is done, it is old news. People will continue to DVR their primetime shows and watch at a later time, but local news doesn't follow that pattern. If you want live eyeballs, local news is always a strong play in any media plan.

As digital continues to grow, we must remember that it will plateau, like all new shiny mediums do. Broadcast Television has had its ups and down, from the first commerical ever aired, up until today, it remains a constant presence in our media landscape. 

As you think about your next media endevour, or your first, give us a call and we'd be happy to help you develop a plan that meets all your marketing goals.

McCulloch+Company is an advertising media services company that integrates the innovation of digital media with the strengths of traditional paths. Founded in 1994 and located in historic Roswell, Georgia, McCulloch+Company is regarded as one of the Southeast's preeminent media agencies. The agency is skilled at managing B2B and B2C clients in a multitude of industry categories.