We Endeavor to be Leaders,
Not Facilitators.

Every agency uses "collaboration" as a buzzword, but we live it. Our office environment not only creates teamwork, it requires it. Everyone is within eyeshot...and earshot. Our clients also benefit from aggressive cross-training and continuing education mandates. Each member of our media staff is an expert in cross-channel media and is required to attend regular industry seminars to enrich their knowledge. We've removed layers of communication so that our clients work directly with the team members that do the work.

Unusual? Maybe. Effective? Absolutely!

"In a business that's known for its revolving doors, we take a different approach: attract great talent and keep them challenged and rewarded. With a team like this, good media ideas are bound to happen."


Although most people know Rick as our founder and CEO, we think his business card should read "Fearless Leader." After all, it takes a brave soul to defy convention and create a company based on innovative ideas. Rick helps clients realize their true marketing potential through creative, often nontraditional media solutions. From local start-ups to some of the country's most prestigious brands, smart clients have been following Rick's lead since 1984.

Jeff Jones


Only one thing stands between Jeff and a career as a professional golfer; his 15 handicap. Lucky for us, his flair for media planning is a completely different story. Jeff has been turning clients' most difficult challenges into winning media programs since his start at the agency in 1990. His expertise, candidness and integrity may not improve his golf score, but these qualities give his clients an invaluable edge. 

Scott Jones


What happens when you hire a drummer with a background in computer programming? You get one exceptional CFO. Scott's vast experience in accounting and finance allow him to anticipate controllers' and business managers' needs. His meticulous nature and laser-like focus keep our agency on track. And everyone loves Scott's ability to make the media process worry-free -- without missing a beat.

Neil Pace


Everyone needs a "go-to guy" and Neil is definitely ours. He can wrangle the wireless network, whip out a PowerPoint presentation and fix the copier -- all without breaking a sweat. But his real skills lie in targeting any audience with uncanny efficiency and effectiveness -- especially in the digital realm. We're proud to say that Neil has been with us since 1998, and thankful that his "go-to" is always above and beyond.

Andrea Camacho


Andrea has excelled since her first day with us, rocketing from Digital Coordinator to Media Strategist. With a firm foundation in brand marketing and digital media, she has an exceptional command of the advertising landscape and client service. Andrea holds degrees in Marketing and Business Administration from Georgia State University, but it’s her passion for community issues and unexpected sense of humor make her an irreplaceable part of our team.

Paula Camacho


If you look up "responsive" on Wikipedia, you'll see a picture of Paula. She has taken our digital services to the next level, providing keen insights, proactive thinking and an astounding attention to detail. Armed with a degree in marketing from GSU, numerous digital certifications and an insatiable appetite for perfection, Paula ensures that our clients' digital programs are A+.


No one remembers hiring her, and her references are all non-existent, but Presley has done an excellent job at greeting our guests and making them feel welcome.

Except for the FedEx guy. Sorry, FedEx guy.